I'm still alive ;o) with some photos to share...
First of all x-stitch update..
The first x-stitching deadline of this month is done: the autumn envelope for the EMS Italian Mail art Exchanged is done and Blinne has already received it. I choose a San Man Original old freebies (no longer available) and I put in the envelope some supplies and some Halloween sweets for Blinne’s sons.
Now I’m working on the second October deadline…The Sagittarius of Garfield Zodiac for Levistrix Charity Project…I had to finish it by the end of october.
Then I have to stitch by the end of October the October Flip-it for the Dolci Fusa Blocs Club SAL and Winter Peace by Sister and Best Friend...mission impossible..we will see ;o)
Other news:
About the State Exam…I’m studying unwillingly…but I’m studying ;o)
About the renovations of my new home….the works run smoothly… last week I took some photos (I have few photos because the bricklayer gave me such a look I stopped to take them…maybe tomorrow I will take more photos) here you can see the outward appearance of the house (my flat is on the second floor), my destroyed kitchen and my living room….
Thank you for all your kind and encouragement comments….
Have a nice week end :o)